Open the galaxy and open the developer tools (e.g., using F12).
Open the debugger and find the file "static/chartbundle/spacemap.js".
Set a breakpoint on the first line in the function initSpacemapViewer by clicking on the line number (currently, line 48).
Reload the page (F5). The breakpoint should trigger and you can now run opts.debug = true; in the console (switch to that tab or use Escape to open one).
Press the play button to run the rest of the page normally.
Congratulations, you can now zoom infinitely far in or out (the galaxy looks much nicer this way, zoomed out more than you can by default!), you get a grid when you zoom in, coordinates on the top left, and other positional debug info on the top right.
More testing
How can we "align" the view, so that the user sees all of e.g. "Sulfur IV: Iota5-7" and not most of "Sulfur IV: Iota5-6" with only a sliver of "-7" visible? Might be hard to find your star otherwise
Parse the last bit and tell users (at step 3) where to look within the region they found. Might depend on the previous point
Check how to calculate the row/col from the coordinate name so we can say what the star should look like